Join us for WonderChurch: A Service for Young Children and their Families
Puppets, Music, and Prayers.

Join us for WonderChurch: A Service for Young Children and their Families
Puppets, Music, and Prayers.

Ash Wednesday
Join us in worship this Ash Wednesday (March 5) at either 12:00pm or 7:00pm. The 7:00pm service will be livestreamed for those who cannot make it in person.

Join us for WonderChurch: A Service for Young Children and their Families
Puppets, Music, and Prayers.

Choral Evensong for Candlemas
All are invited to join the choirs of St. Aidan’s in the Beach, St. Nicholas Birch Cliff, and St. John’s Norway for Choral Evensong. This must beloved service includes readings, sung psalms and canticles, a homily, and a fantastic choral anthem.

Join us for WonderChurch: A Service for Young Children and their Families
Puppets, Music, and Prayers.

Christmas Day Choral Eucharist
All are welcome to join us for our Christmas morning Choral Holy Eucharist. This service includes many favourite hymns from the Anglican tradition.

Said Holy Eucharist with Carols
All are welcome to join us at our Christmas Eve Said Holy Eucharist with Carols. This late night worship service is typically our smallest gathering and has a quieter feel compared with our afternoon and early evening services. Join as we welcome in Christmas Day when the clock strikes midnight at the close of this worship service.

Choral Holy Eucharist
All are welcome to join us this Christmas Eve for our Candlelight Choral Holy Eucharist. This service features our full choir and many favourite Christmas hymns from the Anglican tradition.

Nativity Pageant with Holy Eucharist
All are welcome to join us for our annual Children’s Nativity Pageant with Holy Eucharist. This service typically draws our largest crowd, so arrive well ahead to be assured of a seat. If you would like a less crowded service, please consider our 7 p.m. or 11 p.m. Christmas Eve services.

Lessons & Carols
Saturday, December 14, 4:00p.m.
A fresh take on the beloved service of nine lessons and carols.
Come and hear the Word and sing your favourite carols.

Advent Day of Retreat
Saturday, December 14, 10:00a.m. - 3:30p.m.
Throughout the day our focus will be on Mary’s song (the Magnificat, Luke 1: 46-55), which we will engage through silent reflection, guided prayer, sacred music, visio divina, small group conversation, and worship.

All Souls' Evensong
All Souls’ Evensong
Featuring the join choirs of St. Aidan’s in the Beach and St. Nicholas’ Birch Cliff
All are invited to this joint evensong service for the Feast of All Souls' on Sunday, November 3rd at 4:00pm. This evening of prayer, music, and reflection offers the opportunity to gather two worshipping communities to remember those who have gone before us. If you'd like a deceased family member's name to be read aloud during the service, or have more questions, please contact music@staidansinthebeach.com.

Blessing of the Pets
Join us for the annual blessing of the pets, Sunday October 6th, from 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Garden Tour
Garden Tour
Popsicle Cart & Live Music
Join us on Sunday, September 29, from 4-6 p.m., we’re inviting everyone in the Beach neighbourhood to stop in and tour the garden as we officially celebrate its opening with the whole community. We will have popsicles and music, and Bishop Kevin will be here to bless the garden and join us in celebrating this milestone in the life of our church. Save the date—and think of someone you’d like to invite to come along.

Gather & Grow — A Rocha: Caring for Creation and Equipping Other to do Likewise
A Rocha is an international Christian organization which, inspired by God’s love, engages in scientific research, environmental education, community-based conservation projects and sustainable agriculture. We envision the transformation of people and places by showing God’s love for all creation. Restoring salmon habitat, training young scientists, inspiring school children, feeding low- income families – A Rocha is transforming people and places through hands-on conservation projects, environmental education programs and sustainable agriculture initiatives.

Benefit Your Ears Concert
Join out house band, ‘The St. Aidan’s Regrets’ and special guests for an evening of folk, country, rock, and gospel benefiting The Beach Cares.

Gather & Grow — Following the Footsteps of the Saints
We will gather to enjoy words and music reflecting on St. Aidan, the sea, and pilgrimage, originating from the Holy of Island of Lindisfarne on St. Aidan’s Day, August 31, 2024. The performance features poems written and read by Jay Hulme from his book The Vanishing Song (Canterbury Press), alongside choral works, sung by St. Martin's Voices, by Bob Chilcott, Eleanor Daley, John Rutter as well as the première of St. Aidan’s Prayer written and introduced by composer-in-residence Lucy Walker.

Back to Church Sunday
On September 8, we will celebrate the feast day of our parish’s patron saint, St. Aidan. We will not only mark the day in our worship (including blessing backpacks!) and with our traditional parish lunch, but we will also mark the day by offering an opportunity to reflect on how we can gladly share our gifts with our church community.