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Back to Church Sunday

On September 8, we will celebrate the feast day of our parish’s patron saint, St. Aidan. We will not only mark the day in our worship (including blessing backpacks!) and with our traditional parish lunch, but we will also mark the day by offering an opportunity to reflect on how we can gladly share our gifts with our church community.

Between the services on September 8, we will welcome Elizabeth McCaffrey and Deb Whalen-Blaze (both on staff with the Anglican Diocese of Toronto), who will lead us in a short workshop from 9:15-10:15. They call it the Glad Gifts Workshop. The purpose is to get us thinking and praying about how we can share our time and talents with our church in new, meaningful, and mutually uplifting ways.

We’ll gather in the parish hall downstairs beginning at 9, and we’ll have coffee, tea, and breakfast snacks on hand for all who attend. The program itself will begin at 9:15. We will also offer a children’s and youth Glad Gifts activity during this time slot, as we know that people of all ages have God-given gifts to share

Blessing of the Backpacks, Sun., Sept. 8: Calling all students and teachers—you are invited to bring your backpacks to church, as we will have a time of special back-to-school prayers in both worship services to celebrate beginning a new school year.

May 12

Blessing of the Bikes

September 15

Gather & Grow — Following the Footsteps of the Saints