Children’s Moment:

Each week in our 10:30 worship service (9:30 in summer), the clergy invite children to join them on the steps at the front of the church for a very short conversation related to a Bible story or perhaps a theme related to the liturgical season or a church feast day. At the end of the Children’s Moment, children and youth who wish to participate in Sunday School programs exit the service, and return upstairs to rejoin the service at the sharing of the Peace (in time to receive communion with their families).

Altar Servers and Readers:

Youth may choose to take part in leading worship as altar servers or lay  readers. Altar servers receive training to play roles in the service such as carrying the cross, torches, and Gospel book, and assist with bringing forward the oblations (bread and wine) during the offertory hymn. Other youth who feel comfortable with public speaking choose to join the rotation of volunteers who read the Old Testament and New Testament readings in the service.

The presence of children among us as we worship is a gift

  • Sit towards the front. It’s easier for children to see, engage, and focus on what’s happening when they’re closer to the action.

  • Talk about the service. Feel free to quietly explain the different parts of the service to your children as they happen. This helps children to find their own expression of worship.

  • Participate. Your children will learn about worship participation from you. Sing, pray, respond, sit in silence, stand, or kneel. This is the best way for your child to learn how to participate in worship—by observing you and following what you do.

  • Know you are welcome. Please feel free to come and go from the worship space with your child, depending on their needs during the service. Know that we offer activity packets in a cart at the church entrance (ask a greeter), and a play area at the back of the church is available if your children need to stretch, rest, read, or play during worship.

  • Nursery care is available for children ages 0-3 in the Beech Room downstairs, just off the main hall. Please know you are also welcome to keep your child with you during the service.

  • If you would like to learn more about St. Aidan’s children’s and youth ministries, please contact Children’s and Youth Minister Elizabeth Achimah.