Our Services.

Those who make a commitment to faith in Christ are meant to keep their faith alive and deepening throughout our lives. One way we do this is by continuing to meet together with fellow believers each week for worship, when we say our prayers, praise God through song, read scriptures, deepen our scripture and the life of faith by reflecting on a sermon (usually no more than 10-15 minutes long), and share communion (bread and wine that are blessed by the priest, to be or remind us of the body and blood Christ). As the service ends, our faith encouraged and renewed, we are sent out into the world to love and serve God.

On Sundays, we share a worship service called Holy Eucharist (which means Thanksgiving). This service includes prayers, Bible readings, a sermon, and communion (also known as the Lord’s supper). In the Anglican way of worshipping, not just the minister leads the worship; rather, members of the congregation share in some of the responsibilities such as reading the scriptures, leading prayers, and helping serve communion. You do not have to be a baptized Anglican to attend or participate in our worship services. Any person who desires to follow Jesus is welcome to receive communion at St. Aidan’s, or you may choose to receive a blessing if you do not want to receive communion.

During the fall, winter, and spring, there are two worship services. The 8:00am service is a quiet service (without music) with a smaller number of people (a dozen or less) gathering for worship. The 10:30am service is our principal service, when most people in our church gather for worship that includes choral music, a children’s moment, and Sunday School for children and youth during the first half of the service, with the young people rejoining the service in time for communion. We offer nursery care for ages 0-3 during the 10:30am service.

In the summer months, from Canada Day weekend to Labour Day weekend, we share one Holy Eucharist service with music at 9:30 a.m. On most summer Sundays, a children’s program and nursery care are available.