Our Team

  • Rev'd. Dr. Rebecca Bridges


    The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Bridges is the incumbent of St. Aidan’s in the Beach. Born and raised in Florida, she served Episcopal churches in Texas and Alabama prior to moving to Canada. She attended the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas, where she graduated with her MDiv. Prior to attending seminary, she was associate professor of Communication and Media Studies at Stetson University in Florida. She also holds degrees in English from Stetson (BA) and Clemson (MA), and in communication from Texas A&M (PhD in rhetoric and public discourse).

  • Rev'd. Marguerite Rea


  • Rev'd. Michael Van Dusen


    At the annual vestry meeting of 2017, St. Aidan's parish voted to support a deacon and voted to have Michael fill that role. He sees the vote as a commission to fulfill the values of the parish, particularly when it comes to supporting those on the economic and social margins of society, something he has done for years prior to his ordination. Michael has a Master's in Theological Studies from Wycliffe College, and another Master's in Ministry and Spirituality from Regis College. Bishop Kevin Robertson ordained him on May 6th, 2017, in a joyful ceremony. Michael is married with four children, five grandchildren and a granddog.

  • Mary Leone


    Mary joined the team at St. Aidan's in the Beach in June of 2023 in the role of parish administrator. She grew up in southwestern Ontario and has lived in the Beach since 1993. She has worked in bookkeeping and administration since 2005, and has worked in church administration since 2015. Mary has a Master's Degree in Philosophy from University of Toronto.

  • Elizabeth Achimah


    Elizabeth Achimah is the Children's and Youth Minister. She has significant experience working with children, youth and families and has a heart for connecting with the neighbourhood. She most recently served as Missioner and Pastoral Associate at St. Monica's Anglican Church, where she ran children's programs at the farmer's market, Messy Church and a Book Club as well as leading worship and preaching. Elizabeth has an Honours Bachelor in Bioethics (University of Toronto) and is working on a Masters of Divinity (Wycliffe College, University of Toronto). When not working, she can be found hanging out with her kittens, Winter and Noelle.

  • Michael Pirri


    Michael arrived at St. Aidan's in March 2022 after having been Director of Community Engagement at St. Basil's Catholic Parish at the University of St. Michael's College (U of T), where he previously held the role of Assistant Organist from 2016-2017. Prior to this, he was Interim Director of Music at St. Anne's Anglican Church in Toronto, and Organ Scholar at St. Martin-in-the-Fields in London, Ontario. He is the 2014 recipient of the Paul Westermeyer Award in Hymn and Service Playing.

    Michael is also the Chair of the Toronto chapter of the Royal School of Church Music Canada, and has served on the nationwide Executive Board of the same institution since 2012 where he works to further the work of music in the Church. He recently completed his Master of Sacred Music at The University of Toronto.

Our Values

Join us as we strive to know Christ and make Christ known to all.

Spiritual Formation

The first of our three core values is spiritual formation. Our Christian faith is both distinct and inclusive. In the practices of prayer, meditation, Scripture study, eucharistic celebrations, acts of mercy, ecological responsibility and the pursuit of justice, we grow together as pilgrims, journeying in the Way of Jesus.​


We believe our spiritual journey begins at birth and never ends. God’s global family especially encompasses all racialized, LGBTQ+, and economically disposessed peoples. At St. Aidan's we believe that diversity reflects the glory of God. We are committed to being an anti-racist congregation that prioritizes truth and reconciliation. No matter who you are, or who you love, you have a welcome place among us.

Community Engagement

We live in the local and global village. We strive to make our ministries thoughtful and creative, meeting the needs of those around us. We seek to build relationships and cooperative partnerships with other faith communities and local establishments, as we proclaim in word and action Jesus' Good News and his vision of a new creation. 

Sexual Misconduct Policy & Staff/Volunteer Training


St Aidan's and all Anglican parishes in this diocese are committed to abiding by the Diocese of Toronto's Sexual Misconduct Policy, in order to make our churches safe spaces.

Policy and resources can be found here.