Notices: September 15, 2024

Dear St. Aidan’s,
What perfect weather we had last Sunday for our fall kickoff lunch in the garden! Thanks to all who brought food to share, ran the grilling operation, set up and put away tables and chairs, organized the food, and stayed to clean up at the end. It takes a village!
Coming up on Sunday, September 29, from 4-6 p.m., we’re inviting everyone in the Beach neighbourhood to stop in and tour the garden as we officially celebrate its opening with the whole community. We will have popsicles and music, and Bishop Kevin will be here to bless the garden and join us in celebrating this milestone in the life of our church. Save the date—and think of someone you’d like to invite to come along.
In the notices below, and the printed ones on Sunday, you’ll see we’re organized them into “Opportunities to Share & Serve” and “Opportunities to Gather & Grow.” I hope as we enter the fall season that you’ll consider ways you are engaging with something from both these categories, in addition to regularly joining together for Sunday worship. The body of Christ is formed by many members acting as one. It takes a village for a church to thrive and grow.
Grace and peace,

Opportunities to Share & Serve

1. Come sing with the St. Aidan’s Choir! Are you passionate about singing, or simply love the sound of music? We invite you to become a part of the St. Aidan’s Choir this fall! Our choir is a warm and welcoming community, open to members of all ages and experience levels—whether you’re a seasoned vocalist or just starting out, there’s a place for you here. We’re looking to grow our choir with at least 4 new voices, and we’d love for you to be one of them.
We’ll be scheduling brief, informal meetings to chat about your musical interests and conduct a simple vocal assessment—nothing too formal, just a chance to get to know you! Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings, and there are exciting opportunities to travel and perform with the group this season. If you’re interested or want to learn more, please contact Michael at We can’t wait to sing with you!
2. Recruiting new hosts for coffee hour: Our coffee hour hospitality ministry team is welcoming new hosts. Training is provided. You can sign up as a family or with a couple friends to serve coffee, tea, and treats. You may select a Sunday that works well for you. Depending on your availability, you could choose to serve once a month or once a quarter. For this fall, we currently have four open dates remaining: Sept. 29, Oct. 13, Nov. 17, and Dec. 22. Sign up online through the link in the e-news.
3. Grassy Narrows and Orange Shirt Day: If anyone from St. Aidan’s is interested in joining with a group from Church of the Resurrection to participate in the Grassy Narrows River Run Rally, Wed., Sept. 18, at Grange Park; email Rev. Becky ( about where the group will meet. Remember Orange Shirt Day is coming soon on Mon., Sept. 30 (in church on Sun., Sept. 29).
4. Benefit Your Ears Concert, Sat., Sept. 21, from 7 to 9 p.m. Join the St. Aidan’s Regrets for an evening of folk, country, rock and gospel here at the church—with special guests! No admission charge. Donations to the Beach Cares are encouraged. The Beach Cares is a coalition of St. Aidan’s, Beach United, and the Beach community that sponsors refugees fleeing from the war in Syria.
Opportunities to Gather & Grow

5. Gather & Grow—every Sunday morning, 9:15-10:15 in the Parish Hall. Every Sunday between now and Christmas, we will offer a variety of conversations, speakers, and activities meant to encourage us to gather together as we seek to grow in our faith. All adults and youth are welcome to join us for our weekly Gather & Grow program. Childcare is provided for those ages 0 through grade 5.

❦ September 15: Following in the Footsteps of the Saints: A Celebration of St. Aidan from the Holy Island, featuring poems by Jay Hulme and choral works sung by the St. Martin’s Voices.
❦ September 22: A Rocha: Caring for Creation and Equipping Others to Do Likewise, presented by Anthony Siegrist, director of A Rocha Ontario. Learn more about Christian environmental stewardship taking place around the world through A Rocha International.

❦ September 29: Listening to Indigenous Voices: Commemorating Orange Shirt Day. We will listen to oral history stories of those who experienced the residential schools firsthand, with time for reflection and conversation about how we, as Christians, are called to respond.

6. Come celebrate with us in the garden on Sept. 29: We are inviting the entire Beach neighbourhood to stop in to visit our completed West Garden on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 29, from
4 p.m. to 6 p.m. We will celebrate with live music and popsicles for all! Our area bishop, the Rt. Rev. Kevin Robertson, will join us to offer a special blessing and celebrate with us. We hope you will join us and consider bringing along a neighbour or friend who’s been curious about our garden as it has developed this year. Thank you to the Baker Foundation, the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, the Anglican Foundation, the City of Toronto, and donors to the Strong Roots New Season campaign for making this project possible.
7. A weekly Busy Bees Play Group welcomes children ages 0-3 and their caregivers on Thursdays from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. in our Parish Hall. We will offer stories, music, and activities.
Other Announcements and How to Give

8. Nursery now available during Sunday worship: We will be offering nursery care for children ages 0-3 during the 10:30 a.m. service. The nursery is located in the Beech Room, adjacent to the main basement hall. For more information, please speak with Erika or Elizabeth.
10. Please submit new announcements for the weekly notices to Mary at by Wednesdays at 4 p.m. All notices are subject to incumbent’s approval, and will be edited for clarity and conciseness.

11. Offerings - Thank you for your support. There are a variety of ways to make your donation: 


Notices: September 22, 2024


Notices: September 8, 2024