E-News for December 20, 2024

A note from our priest

Dear St. Aidan’s,

Behind the scenes, much is happening as our church prepares for Christmas. A beautiful, so-very-tall Christmas tree will appear in the Nave today. Orders of service are being created, edited, and printed for the six worship services that will happen over the next several days. Children, youth, volunteers, and staff will hold their dress rehearsal for the Nativity Pageant, and then help decorate the Christmas tree. You have your own preparations happening in your own homes and lives. Cleaning. Baking. Shopping. Wrapping gifts. Writing cards. Picking up family at the airport. Packing your suitcases for a journey to see loved ones far and near.

This morning, I read the weekly note from my friend Beth, who leads the preschool at the church where I served as a curate. Beth was a great encouragement to me in my first year of being a priest. I learned so much from her as we worked together to lead weekly chapel services for the little ones who attended our school. As I read her note, I am reminded of how Beth is a very centered and balanced person who goes through life sharing love and light with all she knows, just by being exactly who she is. She captures well the tension between the busyness of this season with the need to stay focused on what is truly important. She writes:

“I know, for me, I will not be able to do everything I would like to do while still investing in and being present for the things that make my life worthwhile. This season invites us to pay attention to what captures our hearts and possibly embrace—or at least tolerate—the uneasiness of knowing we are neglecting things that have legitimate claims on our attention to focus meaningfully on fewer but most important priorities. It’s not easy.

The drama called Christmas reveals the tension between what we love to do—gather with family, attend special events, eat and drink and be merry—and how we love to be: loving, empathic, and present. What we pay attention to defines us.”

I pray we may all, in our own way, make space for moments of quiet beauty and true peace as we celebrate Jesus’ birth with an effervescent joy.

Joy to the world!


Worship schedule for the remainder of December

Christmas Eve: Tues., Dec. 24                

4 p.m. Holy Eucharist with Children’s Nativity Pageant

7 p.m. Choral Holy Eucharist—this service also available on our YouTube channel, which is linked here: https://staidansinthebeach.com/live

11 p.m. Said Holy Eucharist with Carols

Christmas Day: Wed., Dec. 25

10:30 a.m. Choral Holy Eucharist

First Sunday after Christmas: Sun., Dec. 29

10:30 a.m. Choral Holy Eucharist (no 8:30 service this day)


Opportunities to Gather & Grow

This year’s Advent reflection book Advent is the season in our church year when we prepare our hearts in anticipation for the birth of Jesus at Christmas. This Advent, our parish-wide Advent reflection book is Embracing Humanity by Isabelle Hamley.

❦ In-person small group will meet once more, today, Sun., Dec. 22, from 3-4 p.m. at the Haven Cafe.

❦ Online small group will meet once more, tomorrow, Mon., Dec. 23, from 7-8 p.m. Email Rev. Becky for the Zoom link.


Opportunities to Share & Serve

Christmas Day Lunch at St. Aidan’s: We will once again be hosting our annual Christmas Lunch for the community on Wed., Dec. 25 in our Parish Hall.  Doors open at 12 noon, and lunch is served at 1 p.m. All are welcome, and we especially welcome those who are on their own or don’t have somewhere to enjoy a Christmas meal. We’ll be serving a full turkey lunch with all the trimmings, and lots of fun and joyous conversation with neighbours and friends! 

We’re looking for new people to help host our coffee hour: Don’t worry, we’ll show you what to do to be a host! You can sign up with your family or friends to serve coffee, tea, and snacks. You can pick a Sunday that works for you, and you can help out once a month or just a few times a year. To sign up, you may find a sign-up sheet for hosting coffee hour in the church entryway (Narthex), or you may email Ella. We’d love to have you help out by signing up to host any Sunday through the end of February.

We’re looking for people to bake homemade treats for coffee hour: We're looking for volunteers to bring treats for our coffee hour on Sundays! Whether it's baked goods, snacks, or any other delicious offerings, we would love to have your contributions. Please remember to label any items for allergies. Email Ella if you're interested in bringing something for an upcoming coffee hour.

Out of the Cold volunteers needed: If you would be interested in volunteering one Monday evening a month to prepare and serve food for Out of the Cold guests, socialize with them, or help with clean up please speak with Bruce Mori or Deacon Michael Van Dusen. We will provide basic training for this important outreach ministry. 

Euchre: Join us on Tuesday nights from 7-9 p.m.
for a fun and friendly evening of progressive Euchre downstairs in the Parish Hall. Beginners welcome. Cost is $5; all proceeds support St. Aidan’s community outreach. Final 2024 meeting is Tues., Dec. 17; resumes Jan. 7.

There’s still time to send in your pledge for 2025!

If you have a printed pledge card, please drop it by the church during the week, or place it in the offering plate on Sunday. To fill out the pledge card online, scan the above QR code (scroll down the page to the online pledge form) or you can find the same form online at: https://staidansinthebeach.com/stewardship

Please submit new announcements for the weekly notices to Mary in the church office by Wednesdays at 4 p.m. All notices are subject to incumbent’s approval, and will be edited for clarity and conciseness. E-news is on hiatus until Fri., Jan. 5.


Notices: January 10, 2025


E-News for December 8, 2024