June 7, 2024

Dear St. Aidan’s,

This Sunday, June 9, in our 10:30 service, we will honour a few longtime parishioners who have recently transitioned out of ministry roles after many years of leadership—giving thanks for the ways they have generously shared themselves with our church and community, as well as praying for and blessing them and their service. I hope you will join us as we honour and bless John Brewin (Ecospirituality Group), Bill Guest (Lay Assistants Convener), Hian Lie Liem (Altar Guild and Flower Convener), and Sue Stuart (BIOC lunches coordinator).

Coming up in two weeks, on Sunday, June 23, we will mark the end of the school year with outdoor worship services at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. in the West Garden. If you have a favourite folding camp chair, please consider bringing it with you to augment chairs we will provide. Following the 10:30 service, we will share a barbecue lunch and those who would like to help plant in the new garden will have the chance to dig into that work after lunch. If you plan to participate in the planting, be sure to bring your own trowel, gloves, and something to kneel on.     

Grace and peace,


 Week of June 9 - NOTICES AT A GLANCE – more details below

  1. Live Streaming at 10:30 a.m., Order of Service
  2. Temporarily the church office will be open different hours
  3. Temporary change in how to submit announcements for the notices
  4. Wednesday Evening Book Group
  5. Pre-vestry and Special Vestry meetings, Sundays June 16 and July 7
  6. Youth Bible study
  7. Nursery now available during Sunday worship
  8. Summer worship schedule
  9. Sunday, June 23 - Outdoor Services, BBQ and Planting Day
  10. Coffee hour team seeking new hosts
  11. Altar flowers dedications
  12. Our annual Moorelands ‘Send a Kid to Camp’ campaign is underway
  13. Offerings


 1. Live Streaming at 10:30 a.m., Order of Service - The service will be livestreamed at the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/91628466455

Meeting ID: 916 2846 6455
Passcode: 548507
Phone: 647-374-4685

To access the Order of Service click here:  June 9 Worship Booklet

 2. The church office will be open Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. on weekdays from June 11 to June 27.  The church office will be closed June 28 and July 1 for the Canada Day long weekend.  If your concern requires immediate attention, please contact Courtney Ebner, churchwarden, at staidans.warden3@gmail.com.

 3. From June 11 to June 27, please submit announcements for the weekly notices to Rev. Becky at priest@staidansinthebeach.com by Wednesdays at 4 p.m. Notices may be edited for clarity and conciseness.

 4. Wednesday Evening Book Group: From June 12 through July 10, Rev. Becky will lead conversations about the book The Love that is God: An Invitation to Christian Faith, winner of the 2023 Michael Ramsey Prize for contemporary theological writing. The group will meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 p.m. on Zoom. To sign up for the group, and to get the reading schedule and Zoom link, please email Rev. Becky at priest@staidansinthebeach.com. Note new start date of June 12.

 5. Pre-vestry and Special Vestry meetings, Sundays June 16 and July 7

On Sunday, July 7, Corporation is calling a Special Vestry meeting to vote on a motion to withdraw funds from the St. Aidan's Fund (SAF) to complete Phase 2 of the West Garden.  Pursuant to the SAF Policy, there will be a pre-Vestry meeting on Sunday, June 16 to "review, explain and discuss" the motion.  Both the pre-Vestry and Special Vestry meetings will be in person and via zoom.  The Parochial Tribunal will post a list of members eligible to vote on June 16 and 23.

Links to the motion and appendices:

Appendix 1: Financial Statements through April 2024
Appendix 2: West Garden Design with Phase 2 Components
Appendix 3: Financial Requirement

 6. Youth Bible study on the Gospel of Mark: We will meet over Zoom on Wednesdays from 7:30-8:30 p.m. starting July 3. Please contact Elizabeth for more information and the Zoom link.

 7. Nursery now available during Sunday worship: We will be offering nursery care for children ages 0-3 during the 10:30 a.m. service (and during the 9:30 service over the summer). The nursery is located in the Beech Room, adjacent to the main basement hall. For more information, please speak with Erika or Elizabeth.

 8. Summer worship schedule: Beginning Sunday, June 30, we will move to our summer worship schedule on Sundays, sharing in one worship service together at 9:30 a.m. We will return to two Sunday services after the Labour Day weekend.

 9. Sunday, June 23 - Outdoor Services, BBQ and Planting Day: Our planting day has been rescheduled for Sunday, June 23. Morning services will be in the West Garden followed by an all church BBQ lunch. We hope many of you can stay for a short planting demonstration and putting more than 300 native plants and pollinators in the ground!  BYO gloves, trowels and something to kneel on.

10. Coffee hour team seeking new hosts: Our coffee hour hospitality ministry team is urgently seeking new hosts. You can sign up as a family or with a couple friends to serve coffee, tea, and treats. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the basement hall or contact Michael Jones at staidanscoffee@gmail.com or through the Google signup sheet linked in the weekly e-notices.

11. Altar flower dedications: We include fresh flowers in our worship space to remind us of the wonder, joy, and provision God shares with us through the gifts of nature. Several dates from June to August are open, including June 30. See the sign-up sheet on the console in the church entry for a full list of dates. If you would like to donate to dedicate flowers for a specific date, please indicate that on the list.

12. Our annual Moorelands ‘Send a Kid to Camp’ campaign is underway. Please see the display in the Narthex (church entryway), or go to the Moorelands Kids website (moorelands.ca) for more information about their camp programs for Toronto children. It costs approximately $1800 to provide a child with a session of camp. Donations can be made to St. Aidan’s, and at the end of June we will forward 100 percent of the funds to the camp. Thank you in advance for your support!

To make a donation to this campaign:

 13. Offerings - Thank you for your support. There are a variety of ways to make your donation: