August 23, 2024
Dear St. Aidan’s,
I’ve been enjoying the preview of cooler weather this week, and hope you’ve had the chance to get outside and enjoy the more fall-like temperatures too. This weekend, we’re offering a chance to gather together in our newly completed West Garden. On Saturday evening, our acoustic musicians are organizing Music in the Garden, which will happen from 7-9 p.m. Please plan to bring your own folding chair so that you can sit back, relax, and listen to (and sing along with) music amidst the trees, plants, and fresh air. Please come and invite a friend or neighbour—all are welcome!
And be sure to save the date for these upcoming, joyous occasions in the life of St. Aidan’s:
Sunday, September 8, St. Aidan’s Day Celebration
9:15 a.m. Glad Gifts Workshop.
Elizabeth McCaffery and Deb Whalen-Blaze of the Diocese of Toronto will lead us in a workshop to reflect together on what gifts and talents God has given us, and how we can commit to sharing them here at St. Aidan’s. (Workshop will be held in the downstairs hall. Light breakfast snacks will be served.)
10:30 a.m. St. Aidan’s Day Choral Eucharist
We will celebrate St. Aidan’s Day with a festive worship service including a Blessing of the Backpacks for all students and teachers as we begin a new school year.
11:45 a.m. Picnic Lunch
We will serve hamburgers and hot dogs (including vegan options); please bring a side, salad, or dessert to share. We’ll also be offering tours of the new West Garden, for those who would like to learn more about the design of the space.
September 29, 4 p.m., West Garden Grand Opening Celebration
We are hosting a celebration to welcome our neighbours from around the Beach neighbourhood to come check out the West Garden. Bishop Kevin Robertson will join the festivities and will bless the garden at the beginning of the event. More details to come!
I look forward to seeing you in church—and in the garden—soon,
Notices at a Glance
Scroll down for details on each of these items.
Notices for the Week of August 23, 2024 – August 30, 2024
1. Live Streaming at 9:30 a.m., Order of Service - The service will be livestreamed at the following link:
Meeting ID: 916 2846 6455
Passcode: 548507
Phone: 647-374-4685
Click here to view a PDF of the August 25 order of service
2. Music in the West Garden: Join our parish musicians for an evening of music and sing-alongs in the West Garden. Bring a chair or blanket to sit on, and enjoy some folk, bluegrass, and country music. Saturday, August 24, from 7-9 p.m.
3. Blessing of the Backpacks, Sun., Sept. 8: Calling all students and teachers—you are invited to bring your backpacks to church, as we will have a time of special back-to-school prayers in both worship services to celebrate beginning a new school year.
4. Potluck sign up for the Feast of St. Aidan: We look forward to celebrating the start of a new year with everyone at the Feast of St. Aidan on Sun., Sept. 8 after the 10:30 am service! We will grill hamburgers and hotdogs (including vegan options.) Let us know what side dish you will bring by signing up in the e-notices or in the Narthex (church entryway) on Sunday. Contact Courtney ( for more info. Thank you!
5. Join the Choir: We’re currently recruiting new choristers to all voice parts to join the St. Aidan’s Choir. The choir will be made up entirely of members of our St. Aidan’s community this fall. We’re a friendly group and welcome individuals of all ages to join us—no experience necessary. We are currently scheduling brief meetings to discuss your musical goals and have an informal vocal assessment. We are looking for at least 4 new members this fall and warmly invite you to consider joining us. Rehearsals take place on Sunday mornings and there are opportunities for travelling as a group this fall. For more information, contact Michael at
6. Recruiting new hosts for coffee hour: Our coffee hour hospitality ministry team is welcoming new hosts. Training is provided. You can sign up as a family or with a couple friends to serve coffee, tea, and treats. You may select a Sunday that works well for you. Depending on your availability, you could choose to serve once a month or once a quarter. Sign-up sheet through the Google signup sheet linked here or email for more information.
7. Altar flower dedications: We include fresh flowers in our worship space to remind us of the wonder, joy, and provision God shares with us through the gifts of nature. If you would like to donate to dedicate flowers for a specific date, please contact the church office.
8. Summer worship schedule: During the summer we will share in one Sunday service together at 9:30 a.m. We will return to two Sunday services after the Labour Day weekend. The midweek Eucharist continues throughout the summer on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. in the Chapel.
9. Nursery now available during Sunday worship: We will be offering nursery care for children ages 0-3 during the 10:30 a.m. service (and during the 9:30 service over the summer). The nursery is located in the Beech Room, adjacent to the main basement hall. For more information, please speak with Erika or Elizabeth.
10. Please submit announcements for the weekly notices to Mary at by Wednesdays at 4 p.m. Notices may be edited for clarity and conciseness.
11. Offerings - Thank you for your support. There are a variety of ways to make your donation: