Week of August 20 -  NOTICES AT A GLANCE – more details below

1.  Potluck Lunch Sept 10

2.  Save the Dates!

3.  Music in the BackYard 

4.  Join the Choir

5.  The Rev. Jeff Nowers – on leave for August

6.  Summer Schedule of Sunday Services

7.   Wednesday Eucharistic Service 

8.  Live-streaming Paused for the Summer

9.  Coffee Hour suspended until September 17

10. Food Bank Needs

11. Offerings


1. Potluck Lunch Sept. 10 - What's your specialty? Making sandwiches? Baking? Are you a salad artist? Please tell us what you will be bringing to our St. Aidan's Feast, Sept. 10th, when we welcome our new priest Rev. Becky Bridges. Let's impress her with our hospitality and community spirit. Dayle and Gemma Snider are coordinating this event. There will be a sign-up sheet at the back of the church or you can email Dayle at daylesnider@gmail.com to let her know what you will bring.

2. Save the Dates! Please save the dates for the following celebrations:  Sunday, September 10: The Feast of St. Aidan and Rev. Becky Bridges first Sunday.  Potluck lunch will immediately follow the 10:30am service. Thursday, September 21, 5:45pm: Supper at St. Aidan’s and a farewell celebration for Rev. Jeff Nowers. 

3. Music in the BackYard (104 Kingswood Rd) has been rescheduled for Friday August 25. St. Aidan's Regrets and friends will play and sing. Music will start at 7 PM. If you plan to come please bring chairs. For more information speak to Michael Van Dusen.

4. Join the Choir - Calling All Singers! We’re currently recruiting new singers to all voice parts to join the St. Aidan’s Parish Choir. Prospective singers are invited to come try out a few rehearsals with the choir. For more information, including rehearsal schedules, please contact Michael at  music@staidansinthebeach.com

5. The Rev. Jeff Nowers — on leave for August - Jeff will be on academic leave for the entire month of August. He will have minimal capacity to respond to messages during this time. In Jeff’s place, we welcome back the Rev. Vinaya (“Vinay”) Dumpala, who will preach and preside during the four Sundays in August. In the event of a pastoral emergency, please contact our parish deacon Michael Van Dusen: mjpvandusen@gmail.com, 416-570-0203. Jeff will return to preach and preside on Sunday, September 3.  The Rev. Becky Bridges will begin her ministry on the following Sunday, September 10.

6. Summer Sunday Services - Sunday Services are at 9:30am throughout July, August and September 3. We will return to our two-service schedule on September 10, when we celebrate our patronal festival (St. Aidan’s Day).

7. Wednesday Eucharistic Service - Our Wednesday 10:30am service of Holy Communion will continue each week throughout the summer. Please join us and enjoy some refreshments afterwards.

8. Live-streaming Paused for the Summer - There will be no live-streaming of our Sunday services during July and August. Instead, you are invited to visit https://www.youtube.com/@stjohnsnorway/streams on Sundays at 10:30am to join the live-stream of our neighbouring parish St. John the Baptist, Norway.

9. Coffee Hour suspended until September 17 - The Coffee Hour team will be taking a break for the remainder of the summer. Coffee hour will resume on September 17.  If you would like to host coffee hour please contact Michael Jones at StAidansCoffee@proton.me

10. Food Bank Needs - Grace Pascoe Care Centre has asked specifically for donations of the following items: peanut butter, canned fish, canned vegetables, pasta sauce, canned beans, cereal, granola bars, diapers (size 1-5), baby formula, and period products. Please place them in the basket in the narthex. Note: empty egg cartons are needed once again.  Thank you!

11. Offerings  - Your regular offerings support the mission and ministry of St Aidan's, and we thank you.  

There are a variety of ways to make a donation:

  • PAG – set up monthly pre-authorized debits from your bank account directly to St. Aidan’s by completing the authorization form found on the Giving page of our website https://www.staidansinthebeach.com/giving 
  • PAG Changes – to  change the amount of an existing donation, send an email with the details to donations@staidansinthebeach.com 
  • E-transfer – send to donations@staidansinthebeach.com 
  • Envelopes to obtain a set of weekly offering envelopes, send a request to donations@staidansinthebeach.com 
  • Cheques should be payable to and can be mailed to: The Church of St. Aidan, 2423 Queen St E, Toronto, ON, M4E 1H6, or dropped in our secure mailbox at the north-east corner of the building.