May 10, 2024

Dear St. Aidan’s,

This Sunday, May 12, we will celebrate a special Blessing of the Bikes at 12 noon (following the 10:30 service) out on the front driveway. We are offering this blessing as a way of sharing hospitality with a local motorcycling group (of which our parishioner Murray is a member), and to ask for God’s blessings for safe travels for all who will be out on the roads, bike paths, and sidewalks on their two- and three-wheelers. (Note: If you ride to church, look for the special reserved parking for motorcycles, bicycles, and scooters in front of the church. Children’s small tricycles may be brought inside the entryway/Narthex.)

Next Sunday, May 19, is Pentecost, one of the major holy days in our church calendar. Whether you are here with us at St. Aidan’s for worship, or visiting elsewhere over the long Victoria Day weekend, consider wearing red as a way of celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit at work in us and in the world.

Finally, the following Sunday, May 26, is Trinity Sunday. If you desire the sacrament of baptism for yourself or for your child on this day, please talk with me or email me at

See you in church soon,


Week of May 12 -  NOTICES AT A GLANCE – more details below

  1. Live Streaming at 10:30 a.m., Order of Service
  2. Blessing of the Bikes, Sun., May 12
  3. Wear red for Pentecost on May 19
  4. Save the Date, Planting Day, Sunday, June 9
  5. Altar flowers dedications
  6. Gardening Group seeks new volunteers
  7. Coffee hour team seeking new hosts
  8. Our annual Moorelands ‘Send a Kid to Camp’ campaign has begun
  9. Euchre
  10. Archive of sermon manuscripts
  11. Announcements for the Notices
  12. Offerings


 1. Live Streaming at 10:30 a.m., Order of Service - The service will be livestreamed at the following link:

Meeting ID: 916 2846 6455
Passcode: 548507
Phone: 647-374-4685

To access the Order of Service click here:

 2. Blessing of the Bikes, Sun., May 12: Murray McCarthy has invited his motorcycling group to attend worship with us at the 10:30 service on May 12. We will offer a blessing for them and their motorcycles—for safety in their travels—after the 10:30 service that day. If you have a motorcycle—or scooter or bicycle—you would like to be blessed (or know someone who would also appreciate a blessing of this kind), we welcome you to ride it to church on that Sunday. Questions? Contact Murray McCarthy.

 3. Wear red for Pentecost on May 19: At both worship services on Sunday, May 19, we will celebrate Pentecost, one of the major feast days of the church. Pentecost, which means ‘50 days,’ is considered by many to be the birthday of the Church, because 50 days after the Resurrection was when the body of believers in Christ (the Church) was first drawn together and given life by the Holy Spirit. One way we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is to display the colour red throughout our worship space. Do consider wearing red to church on May 19 to express joy for the gift of the Holy Spirit in our midst.

 4. Save the Date, Planting Day, Sunday, June 9: The West Garden is nearing completion and we are excited to get our native plants and pollinators in the ground.  Please join us on Sunday, June 9, after the 10:30 service for a light lunch, planting instructions and planting in both the West Garden and the garden bed to the east of the driveway.  Register here or on the bulletin board in the Basement Hall.  BYO gloves, trowels and shovels.

 5. Altar flower dedications: We include fresh flowers in our worship space to remind us of the wonder, joy, and provision God shares with us through the gifts of nature. Several dates from June to August are open.

See the sign-up sheet on the console in the church entry for a full list of dates. If you would like to donate to dedicate flowers for a specific date, please fill in the information on the list.

 6. Gardening Group seeks new volunteers: Do you enjoy gardening? Consider joining our gardening group as we work together on planting and weeding tasks around the church grounds this spring and summer. If you’d like to join us, please email Ian.

 7. Coffee hour team seeking new hosts: Our coffee hour hospitality ministry team is urgently seeking new hosts. You can sign up as a family or with a couple friends to serve coffee, tea, and treats. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the basement hall or contact Michael Jones at or through the Google signup sheet linked in the weekly e-notices.

 8. Our annual Moorelands ‘Send a Kid to Camp’ campaign has begun. Please see the display in the Narthex (church entryway), or go to the Moorelands Kids website ( for more information about their camp programs for Toronto children. It costs approximately $1800 to provide a child with a session of camp. Donations can be made to St. Aidan’s, and at the end of June we will forward 100% of the funds to the camp. Thank you in advance for your support!

To make a donation to this campaign:

 9. Euchre: Join us on Tuesday nights from 7-9 p.m. for a fun and friendly evening of progressive Euchre downstairs in the main hall. Beginners welcome. $5.00 to play. All proceeds go to our community outreach. 

10. An archive of sermon manuscripts by Rev. Becky, along with sermons and weekly reflections by Deacon Michael, can be found on our website:

11. Announcements for the Notices: Please submit announcements for the weekly notices to by Wednesdays at 4 p.m. Notices may be edited for clarity and conciseness.

12. Offerings - Thank you for your support. There are a variety of ways to make your donation: 

  • PAG – set up monthly pre-authorized debits from your bank account directly to St. Aidan’s by completing the authorization form found on the Giving page of our website 
  • PAG Changes – to change the amount of an existing donation, send an email with the details to 
  • E-transfer – send to 
  • Envelopes to obtain a set of weekly offering envelopes, send a request to 
  • Cheques should be payable to and can be mailed to: The Church of St. Aidan, 2423 Queen St E, Toronto, ON, M4E 1H6, or dropped in our secure mailbox beside the front door.